Our trained professional staff will do the initial evaluation if you think your child is having problems with focusing and attention. Our providers will then come up with a treatment plan that is tailored to your child. This may include treatment right here in our clinic, a referral for counseling or medication management outside of our clinic.
Our practice provides a comprehensive asthma and allergy management program for our patients. Our providers are trained in the diagnosis and management of childhood asthma and allergies.
Allergies are a common problem for many kids today, with effects from merely annoying to potentially life-threatening. Apache Drive Children’s Clinic is committed to making this challenge a bit easier to manage. We offer allergy testing right here in our clinic for patients ages 9 months and older.
In cooperation with community based mental health providers, we evaluate and treat children for behavior concerns and school problems including:
If your child has a disability or a chronic illness, your journey may feel like the road less traveled. You probably have interactions with many different professionals and specialists. You need information, assistance, understanding, and support. We are here to help you navigate the healthcare system and support you in getting your child the best care possible. Talk to one our providers at your next visit regarding any concerns or needs you may have.
We start with wellness. Immunizations are an important step when it comes to maintaining the health of your child throughout their growth and development.
Check our our Wellness Child tab, Immunization tab, and Policies tab to learn more information about our clinic's stance on vaccines.
You pregnancy can be an amazing time, but it doesn’t come without questions. The Apache Drive Children’s Clinic invites you to our clinic during your pregnancy to discuss any concerns regarding our practice or the care your baby will receive. Call our office to schedule your Mother To Be appointment today.
We like to begin your newborn care in the hospital and continue as an integral part of the comprehensive care provided by our professional team!
Regular check-ups and physicals are necessary to ensure your child is growing on schedule and to stay on top of their health. Apache Drive Children’s Clinic provides comprehensive exams for children of all ages.
Children may experience a range of medical conditions that could benefit from the expertise of a pediatric specialist in a particular field. We emphasize the coordination of all healthcare providers involved in a child's treatment.
At your convenience, we kindly request that you give our office a call or use the patient portal for any prescription refill needs you may have. Our team is dedicated to providing outstanding patient care and ensuring that your medications are readily available when you need them. Please do not wait until your child is out of medication to notify our team about a refill. Plan ahead, as these request can take 24 hours to complete.
When it comes to treating your child, an unexpected illness doesn’t always leave time for a regularly scheduled appointment, which is why Apache Drive Children’s Clinic offers a dedicated Sick Call time. Our Sick Call is from 8am-9am, Monday thru Friday. Walk ins are welcome during this time with no appointment needed.
Regular physicals are an important part of preventative pediatric care. Getting your child an sports physical gives the doctor the opportunity to examine your child, evaluate their health and fitness, and determine whether or not they are prepared for sports or school activities.
At Apache Drive Children’s Clinic we provide all the necessary screenings like comprehensive vision and hearing exams to even our youngest patients. Bring your baby or child in today to learn more about their vision and hearing abilities.
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday (by appointment)
8:30 am 10:30 am
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday (by appointment)
8:30 am 10:30 am
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday (by appointment)
8:30 am 10:30 am